AA Lodges


Reseliva Booking Engine

Amboseli Drones

AA Lodges is the only company that is licensed by the government to provide operate drone services in the parks.

AA Amboseli Lodge is Built in a three-tier architectural design and is strategically located 2km from Amboseli National Park main gate (Kimana Gate) and conveniently within the Emali-Loitoktok tarmac road. It is 240 km from Nairobi, 16km from Amboseli airstrip, 20 km from the Emali-, 20 km from the Emali-Loitoktok tarmac road and commands a panoramic view of the snow-capped Mt. Kilimanjaro, the world’s highest free Standing Mountain.

With a total of 60 rooms, the lodge is intimate and friendly with many personal touches.